THE FISH SHAPED COOKIE, a treat for my 4 years old grandson's class.

Tomorrow my grandson is four years old and we have to bring 25 cookies for all the children and the teachers in his class.
We can’t bring a cookie/cupcake with a lot of cream, not too big, but not too small….we can buy some butter cookies dipped in chocolate, but I don’t want to bring too much sugar…..
My grandson loves “Nutella” which is dark chocolate with hazelnuts. I can use peanut butter, too. Plain or  mixed with dark chocolate: a small little sandwich shop in New York City ”Peanut Butter and Co” prepare and made available in groceries shops few products, but I love “Dark Chocolate Dream” a creamy peanut butter and dark chocolate. A lot less sugars than "Nutella"!

 All of these products have not too much sugar, no eggs, no butter, very good for our children desserts, if they don’t have nuts allergies.

To get inspired, I looked into a “cupcake book” and I have seen these fishes which I could make.

I went to groceries shop and I bought gelled worms, for tails. I should buy “spiced drops”, but I could not find.
I bought “mini” M&M, colored: red, brown, green, yellow, green, blue: perfect for fish scales.

I used the red color candy for mouth and a brown colored candy for eyes.

 I put a little white frosting and add the brown candy to have a perfect round dark eye.

I used the colored mini M&M to build lines and lines of fish scales. Very demanding job…. 

But I was pleased the way they look. My grandson was very happy. He made with me a plain peanut butter one and a “Nutellla” one and he decided that “Nutella “is a winner!!!

Next day, in school he was so proud to hand one by one to every single child! He said he helped too.


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